We celebrated a Crossfit Old Town birthday with some handstands...
Happy 39th Pat!

This was a tough day...
Our warm-up was what some would consider their workout!
3 rounds:
Jumping Pullups
High Pulls
Then on to AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 Weighted Box Jump
15 Jumping slamball
We had a nice chance to work our handstands
Quite a few progressions...
Andrea has done an amazing job leading the charge for our handstands!
There were a few first Handstands and others who are dialing in on perfection;
Andre, Rebbia, Anna, Ben, Nick...
We also witnessed one of the top CrossFit Old Town Performances ever:
Andrea hit 10 rounds in todays workout while wearing a 12lb Weight Vest!
That is 50 Handstand pushups with a 12lb weight vest - Amazing!
It's a Hall of Famer for sure...
I've been getting a lot of phone calls and emails from folks checking out our blog and our program...people are really interested but many say it looks intimidating!
What can I say?
50 handstands with a 12lb weight vest is intimidating to all of us!
The good news?
"Learning the Handstand - Once difficult, Now Easy"
If you are a prospective CrossFitter, Andrea is holding a free handstand clinic on May 3rd at 2:15 pm - you will walk away feeling strong, confident, and perhaps even invincible!
If you have the desire to succeed...
We provide the best environment possible for you to prevail
Here in Old Town
We celebrate success
We celebrate it often
Whether its your first pushup
50 handstand pushups with a weight vest
We are inspired
We are inspiring
To anyone who's nervous about joining our Old Town Team I'd like to share with you my favorite quote:
"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway” ~ John Wayne
We don't get anywhere in life without taking a first step. Come in and join in on the fun! Crossfit can be modified to fit any level...and then carry you further in your journey than you thought possible. Hope to see you soon!
Happy Birthday Pat!!! I miss working out with you!
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