Throw in our Turkish Get-ups and the first 25 minutes of class was all about some classic Core Strength
I often get asked; "I'm going away on vacation/tdy/etc what kind of workouts can I do?"
I could make a solid argument for simply practicing the Handstand and L-sit pullup...
Face it, while away from the Blue Room will you really get a classic metabolism stoking, lung searing, CrossFit Oldtown workout in?
Instead, you could simply have some fun working on skills and strength and do a whole lot more for your overall CrossFit game than you can imagine.
Your conditioning won't suffer that much, but the added strength and skill will be Oh so rewarding!
With that in mind, I’ve been sneaking in more "practice" as a warmup - this is important work - remember to have at it!
Wow Jerry - what pictures, the looks on our faces... just... wow...hahaha
Great advice on the skills work while traveling. I wish I would've thought of that when I used to TDY all the time.
If you're desperate for a CF WOD, you might also visit another CF affiliate while on travel. I went to CF SoCal while in San Diego last week. There are ~400 affiliates now, so chances are there will be one near where you're going...
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