Our Brand New Evening Class has started!
Team 5p rocked the Blue Room on day one with an introduction to cleans to a push press
Today they brought the pain with 2 hard but brutally effective circuits
I saw some amazing effort and intensity!
This is a team who is ready and willing to push their current fitness to a whole new level!
Welcome team 5p to CrossFit Old Town!

Workout one With Bodyweight:
10 Minutes
5 chinups
10 pushups
15 squats
Workout two with Power
10 Minutes
26" box jump x 10
Kettlebell swing x 10
Wallball Situp x 10

Your pilot, Jerry Hill, will get you up in the air (jumping slamballs) and back on land (push ups) in no time. He will fly through the epic turbelence Eva, Angie and Elizabeth. After such flight you can REST LATER so buckle up and enjoy the flight.
Wow. Huge crew. Congrats.
Keturah you seriously crack me up! :) This is why I love working out with you! :)
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