What an Awesome Weekend...
Andrea and I coached at a CrossFit Cert this past weekend
Andrea was a superstar and pretty much took MVP of the weekend!
She did so many things at so many levels to make the cert operate smoothly
Thanks Andrea!
Adrienne, Keturah, and Mike participated in the cert, they walked away with more knowledge and understanding of CrossFit, kicked a whole lotta butt, and represented the CFOT way...
Awesome work you 3!
I simply enjoyed being around other CrossFitters and helping to make a small impact in their future training - I met so many people from different parts of the states; all with the drive and determination to make great things happen...

My $0.02, Pat Sherwood, Andrew Thompson, Jon Gilson et al. led a phenomenal team of trainers. My expectations were exceeded and they were pretty high. In my 43 years as an athlete, soldier, and LEO, I haven't seen a group of instuctors any better. Great chemistry among them, super presentation skills, tons of great info, and a great message. The trainers in the small group skill sessions were awesome as well. I concur with Jerry, even among such a distinguished group of superstars Andrea stood out as she always does. We are so fortunate to have Jerry and Andrea as coaches. Having Coach Glassman there was icing on the cake. (Thanks for the intro and getting those priceless few minutes with him Jerry. I hope I didn't come across too awestruck.) I learned immensely, was entertained and came away thinking, "this was the best money I've ever spent." There were nice little workouts thrown in with perfect timing. I was pleased that I compared favorably with such awesome athletes in the workouts. I met some great folks as well. (I plan to work out with Jon Gilson's crew at Crossfit Boston in the morning!)
Awesome Mike! Tell me how Crossfit Boston is. I'm going up there in two weeks.
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