Awesome, awesome, awesome!
Great to see you all dial in on the hang squat clean
Your time and effort is paying off, your movement improved
You gotta feel great about this!
Ring Dips are Solid
Keturah and Elise cranked out 2 reps in a row without the band
Who will be the next to join Stacey and Andrea in band-less ring dips?
Good to get Jack and Danny in for a muscle-up workout
They both hit 50 muscle-ups during the course of the circuit!

Jerry, thanks for posting up the vid so I could steal it!
Great work on the squat cleans ya'll! :)
Katie, your rocking it sista! You've come so far since you started out at CFC! You should be damn proud!
Thanks Jen! :) Maybe someday I'll be able to do half the stuff you can! You rock girl and I hope you find a place soon for your gym!
Squat clean movement is so improved...down right amazing and inspiring!
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