LogsItAll Rankings

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Beowulf Workout hits the CrossFit affiliate page

CrossFit Albany put themselves through the Beowulf Workout and filmed the action;

...And the Special Report:

CrossFit Marathon Report

Chip and Leslie ran the National Marathon this past weekend; I've yet to get the post game report from Chip but did hear from Leslie;

"3:44:11! Faster than my training pace and only running once a week!
Now THAT is a testament to CrossFit!

My last 5 miles were less than 8:00 minute/mile and my last mile was around 7:20 pace!

Jon kept saying, “This is where crossfit is paying off for you, your body is able to get rid of the lactic acid before it builds up.”

I only had sore knees from the pounding, no significant muscle soreness to speak of…..I did a recovery ride yesterday that probably really helped….but I’ll be in tomorrow!

I have a half ironman in 16 days…….YIKES!"

Leslie is a Testament to what having the drive, determination, and commitment to take your fitness to a whole new level will get you!

We can provide the environment but it's you who takes the action!

From all of us at CrossFit Old Town; Congrat's Leslie!

Speed Strength

Magoo gets over the bar and logs in his first official Chin-up!
Congrat's Magoo!

It was good to see so many of you kick into the extra gear needed for the hang squat clean! I saw some quality reps and a quick learning curve for our newer members - and some hard fought efforts from our experienced vets. High rep hang squat cleans are one of the greatest conditioning movements in our exercise shed...

1. Hang Squat Clean: 3 rounds x 15 reps

You go, partner goes - don't put the bar down

2. "Damage"

AMRAP in 20 Minutes

9 Push Press

9 Jumping Slamball

9 Chin-ups

9 Jumping Lunge (each leg)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

CrossFit in the NY Times

"...Even if handstand pushups have no place in your life, there’s something eye-opening and even inspiring about the site’s aggressive ambitions for the human body. Like urban-gymnast traceurs and other daredevils who have come into their own on digital video, CrossFitters offer themselves as evidence that people are capable of more than merely giving up sugar for Splenda and taking the stairs occasionally; according to the CrossFit creed, they can and should also be prepared to fell trees, tame bulls and carry families of four on their backs. Olympians, soldiers, police officers, firefighters and devoted fitness amateurs convene on the site, reveling in max squats and circus-strongman stunts, which they repeat as many as 100 times per workout...."


What did you think of the article?

Poetry in motion; Hang power clean to a push press

We are really, really dialing in on this movement!
I am so psyched!

A good day to explore some power output on the Concept 2 rower, Turkish Get-ups, Box Squat to box jump, and hang power clean to push press!

Stacey 289
Jack 269
Joel 263
Andrea 245
Pat 243
Vinnie 241
Aaron B 234
Gar 227
Georgia 221
Chris 212
Craig 202
Lef 201
Karen 195
James 173
Blake 177
Betsy 168
McCall 160
Frank 160
Jessica 157
David 155
Wes 143

Adrienne 402
Mike 348
Elise 282
Charlie 249
Magoo 222
Katie 210
Bryn 175

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Training

After yesterday's short intense workout (4-13 minutes) - we hammered through a long but not quite Epic Workout (23-41 minutes).

All bodyweight movements and a 400 yard Sprint.

It's Spring Training Folks...
Easter is behind us, Memorial Day on the horizon...
Time to work the Glutes, Gunz, and Gut...

Workout of the Day, March 25th, 2008
5 Rounds for final time:
400 Yard Run
10 Ring Dips
15 Chin-ups
20 Iron Mikes

Monday, March 24, 2008


We shot the chocolate bunnies straight outta the system with a dynamic warm-up that included some burpees - Gave the Abs the proper treatment they deserve now that beach season is on the horizon with a killer Core Circuit - Then satisfied the CrossFit itch by battling "Fran"...

Congrat's on the hard effort and personal records!

Stacey set a new all time over-all class record at 4:43!

Gar logged in the fastest Fran for men at 7:75!

(A 4:22 improvement)

Elise knocked 5 minutes off her personal record!

Che` knocked 1:23 off her time AND moved up to Pro weights!

More smokin' PR's...Shout em' out!

CrossFit Old Town Top Pro level "Fran" Times:

(Bold = Done today)

Stacey 4:43
Adrienne 7:09
Andrea 7:35
Lauris 8:55
Karen 9:54
Katie 11:39

Mike 4:54
Eugene 5:24
Jack 5:45
Miles 6:45
Vinnie 6:57
Chriss 7:14
Joel 7:20
Ray 7:24
Gar 7:45
Chip 8:04
Craig 8:24
Chris 8:40
Pat 9:13
Danny 10:53
Steven 11:42

Jan 15th Fran

Dec 06th Fran

Sept 12th Fran

Sunday, March 23, 2008

21 CrossFitters in-Action!

A Strong Saturday Showing, the Day before Easter!

It was another PitBull of a workout...

You go, partner goes 30 sec each, 3 rounds each:
Jumping Slamball
Wall Ball

AMRAP in 25 minutes
10 Rounds:
4 Handstand Pushups
8 Chin-ups
12 Kettlebell Swings
18 Weighted Jumping Lunge

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hang Squat Clean

Workout of the Day:
AMRAP IN 30 Minutes:
30 Calories on the Concept2 Rower
25 High Box Jumps
20 Pushups
15 Hang Squat Clean
10 Ring Dips

*We averaged 2.5 - 5 rounds*