LogsItAll Rankings

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mashed-up Double-Strength Tabata

"Signs of fatigue soon manifested themselves more and more strongly, and slowly the men dropped out one by one, from sheer exhaustion. No murmur of complaint, however, would be heard."
- Fritz Kreisler, Four Weeks in the Trenches, 1915

We started with a 3 minute Dumbbell Snatch Test

Got into the good stuff with a doozy called:

Mashed-up Double-Strength Tabata

Heavy Barbell Thrusters x 40sec
Rest :20
Pullups x 40sec
Rest :20
Repeat for 4 rounds
Record total reps in each exercise
Levels: Women - Men
Pro: 65lb - 95lb
Pack: 50 - 75
Porch: 35 - 55

Next Up:
Overhead Dumbbell Lunges x 40sec
rest 20sec
Extended Kettlebell High-Pull x 40sec
rest 20sec

Repeat for 4 rounds
Record total reps in each exercise
OH DB Lunge 15lb - 25lb
KB High-pull 35lb - 55lb

Finished with some Bottoms up squats

30 Sec static hold - 30 Sec squat x 4 rounds

Count total reps


Final Output and Scores of WOD


Flickr SlideShow of the Fun...


Mike M said...
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Mike M said...

That was a doozy guys! Way to lead the way Leslie and Andrea. I settled for doing "Linda" in my garage! (295, 185, 145* in 29:30)

*Sorry Jerry, but Power Cleans, the knees were rebelling against squat cleans :(

Leslie said...

Thanks Mike!
Can't wait to watch you do your 43 chins!