Thanks for the early emails and phone calls on the new feel of the blog. I'll have some new content as well, thanks also to those who have pushed me to write more.
Today we continued our quest for rock solid core and overhead strength. I've been putting a huge emphasis on this in our programming and your increased strength and improved form is proof of your continued effort. Shoulder and core stabilization/strength are 2 powerful functions and future indicators of your long term progress or failure...I'd rather see you be successful, sound good?
I wrote a prescription for Chip today...wake up to TGU's every morning!
Seriously, if you are struggling to keep an active shoulder during our overhead movements (Push Press, Snatch, Overhead Squat...) then get in early or stay late and hit 4 minutes of TGU's, you'll be happy about your rock solid abs also...
Work those weaknesses until they become your strength.
I have to give props to Laura who dropped in on the Bolling AFB CrossFit Workout of the Day on Wednesday and was called; "A ringer"...Way to represent Laura!
Another kudo's goes to Andrea and Chriss who went into the Hostile Workout Environment of CrossFit NYC and represented the CrossFit Old Town way...Top Performers in The WOD!
I love that our Old Town team continues to visit and support CrossFit affiliates, dang proud of ya...

Team 0600 1. TGU x (3L, 3R)
AMRAP in 5 min
2. Tabata Mash-up
Score low reps of any respective interval
3. WOD: 5 rounds or 20 minutes
10 Chin
15 Box Jump
20 KB High Pull
30 Squats
0645 Team Barbell SPEED
Snatch Work With PVC
Drop Snatch 45-65lbs
Partner up, 3-5 reps at a time
AMRAP in 6 min
Hang Power Clean 65lb-95lb
Partner up, 5 reps at a time
AMRAP in 6 min
"Circus Speed Strength"
One Arm Barbell Snatch
5 sets x 3 reps
I could write several pages on the VALUE of Today's Barbell Workout...I'll save it for another day.
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