LogsItAll Rankings

Friday, November 30, 2007

Farmers Walk

"That was deceptively Difficult"
- Sarah

"We should do these evey day!"
- Vivek

These were a few comments I heard (others are unprintable) after our finisher of 400 meter Farmers Walk today.

My goal was to challenge you with a weight you could barely make it around without dropping...you will scale up or down on your next trip.

Why farmers walk?
Let me count the benefits...

Ahh but first I'll give some GPP (General Physical Prepardness) History.

At the Heart of it...our workouts increase your GPP, also known as work capacity. If I can increase your work capacity over broad and general domains then you'll be able to handle any physical task that is thrown your way...This IS the standard of Fitness. Terrorist hunters, athletes, parents, grandparents all need a certain level of functional capacity to live and move as they desire...some are happy to manage physical tasks others have a desire to dominate them.

There are other ways to increase work capacity besides our Main WOD (Workout Of the Day)...it's called Extra Work. It can take the form of a very short but tough circuit like Tabata squats, a mild paced TGU session, our classic Callisthenic warm-up, farmers walk, skill training, and more...

If you'll allow me the slack to be a bit corny and festive, (remember, I am the Dad of a 3 and 5 year old), I'll say our Main WOD is Santa delivering the goods, and our Extra Work Santa's helper...

Enough for now...GPP is yet another subject I could talk and write pages upon pages on...

SO what about our Farmers Walk?
Post your thoughts...

OH...and anyone want to join Vivek in doing them everyday after class?


Steven is Dialed in, he took the heavier challenge Today!
Look how high those elbows are!
Any questions about Elizabeth's Pushup Depth?
Vin was 5-5 this week, Welcome back buddy!
A "Danny-up"?

Look for proper Front squat Rack Position, (bar on outstretched shoulders and elbows high) in our Flickr SlideShow

1. Classic Cal's

2. 30sec of work: 15 Sec of Rest, clock never stops
Wall Ball
Kettlebell Swing
3 rounds
Score total reps

3. Main WOD
9 Chins
9 Front Squats
9 Squat Thrusts
9 PRO Pushups
5 rounds for time

Front Sq Load
Pro: 65lb W - 95lb M
Pack: 55lb W - 75lb M

4. 400 Meter farmers Walk
Score weight and total drops

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eye on the Bell

Thanks for the early emails and phone calls on the new feel of the blog. I'll have some new content as well, thanks also to those who have pushed me to write more.

Today we continued our quest for rock solid core and overhead strength. I've been putting a huge emphasis on this in our programming and your increased strength and improved form is proof of your continued effort. Shoulder and core stabilization/strength are 2 powerful functions and future indicators of your long term progress or failure...I'd rather see you be successful, sound good?

I wrote a prescription for Chip today...wake up to TGU's every morning!

Seriously, if you are struggling to keep an active shoulder during our overhead movements (Push Press, Snatch, Overhead Squat...) then get in early or stay late and hit 4 minutes of TGU's, you'll be happy about your rock solid abs also...

Work those weaknesses until they become your strength.

I have to give props to Laura who dropped in on the Bolling AFB CrossFit Workout of the Day on Wednesday and was called; "A ringer"...Way to represent Laura!

Another kudo's goes to Andrea and Chriss who went into the Hostile Workout Environment of CrossFit NYC and represented the CrossFit Old Town way...Top Performers in The WOD!

I love that our Old Town team continues to visit and support CrossFit affiliates, dang proud of ya...

Team 0600

1. TGU x (3L, 3R)
AMRAP in 5 min

2. Tabata Mash-up
Score low reps of any respective interval

3. WOD: 5 rounds or 20 minutes
10 Chin
15 Box Jump
20 KB High Pull
30 Squats

0645 Team Barbell SPEED

Snatch Work With PVC

Drop Snatch 45-65lbs
Partner up, 3-5 reps at a time
AMRAP in 6 min

Hang Power Clean 65lb-95lb
Partner up, 5 reps at a time
AMRAP in 6 min

"Circus Speed Strength"
One Arm Barbell Snatch
5 sets x 3 reps

I could write several pages on the VALUE of Today's Barbell Workout...I'll save it for another day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Julie!

Julie Jump Starts Her Birthday at 0600!

Andrea T is taped for Battle!
Flickr SlideShow

1. "L-Sit" Reverse Tabata :10 - :20 x 8 intervals

2. AMRAP in 8 Minutes
TGU x 6 (3,3)
Perfect Pushup x 12
Situp x 18

3. WOD: 5 Rounds For Time or 20 Minutes
10 Chins
15 Barbell Push Press
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Squats

Push Press Weight
Pro: 65W - 95M
Pack: 55W - 75M
Porch 45W - 65M

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Speed, Power, Strength, GPP

0600 Metabolic Conditioning

1. GPP
JJ x :30
SS x :30
Squat Thrust x :30
4 Rounds
Score total Sq Thrust

2. AMRAP in 8 Minutes
3 DB Snatch Left
6 DB Push Press Left
3 DB Snatch Right
6 DB Push Press Right
9 Full Squat Jumps

3. AMRAP in 16 Minutes
6 Chins
8 Pro Pushups
10 OH Squat
12 KB Swing

Final OutPut

0645 Barbell

1. Skill and Speed:
Hang Squat Clean x 3
(You go, Partner goes)
AMRAP in 6 Minutes

2. Deadlift x Max Triple
Lauris 165 x 3
Cara 170 x 3, 180 x 1
Danny 235 x 3
Pat B 255 x 3
Harold 335 x 3
Vinnie 375 x 3

Monday, November 26, 2007

Full Speed Ahead

Damn the Stuffing, Gravy, and Pies!
Full Speed Ahead!

FlickR SlideShow

JJ x :30
Sq thrust x :30
3 rounds
Score total Sq thrust
SS x :30
Lateral barrier jump x :30
3 rounds
Score total barrier jumps
Dumbbell snatch left x :30
Dumbbell snatch right x :30
Full Squat jumps x :30
Pushups x :30
3 rounds
Score total reps
AMRAP in 15 minutes
8 Chins
10 Overhead squats
12 Box Jumps
Pro 55W - 75M
Pack 45W - 65M
Porch 35W - 55M
Tabata Situps


Final Output

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hold On!

PVC Line Of Pull
Jump and Shrug
Jump, Shrug and High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Squat Snatch
Ring Work
Ring Dips
For Time
15, 12, 9 reps
Row (Calories)
Hang Power Snatch
Pro Pushup
Load for Snatch
Pro: 55W, 75M
Pack: 45W, 65M
Porch: 35W, 55M
Jack 13:05
Lauris 17:10
Kevin 13:21
Elizabeth 17:58
Kara 23:19p
500M Row for Time
Jack 1:41
Lauris 1:57.4
Kevin 2:03.8
Kara 2:14.8
Elizabeth 2:15

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday's Filthy 50

We burned through the Thanksgiving Leftovers with a Classic CrossFit Workout.
TGU x 5 Minutes
"Filthy 50"
50 reps each, For Time
Box Jump
Jumping Pullups
Kettlebell Swing
Jumping Lunge
Dumbbell Push Press
Kettlebell High Pull
Squat Jumps to barrier

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Beast

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
- Albert Pike

5 Chins
5 Push press Left
5 DB Snatch Left
5 Chins
5 Push press Right
5 DB Snatch Right
"Thanksgiving Beast"
90 Seconds of Work: 30 seconds of Rest
Clock Never Stops
4 Rounds, score total reps (Calories for rower)
Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
Wall Ball
Thank You!
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to wake up and do what I love to do each and every morning. There is NO PLACE I’d rather be.
Thanks for your continued support, commitment, and dedication to Our CrossFit Old Town Team.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Get Some

Team T-T 0600 brought their A-Game for a tough little circuit...
Warmup PVC
Line of Pull
1 minute of work at each Station, Non-stop Clock
Box Jump (20" Women, 26" Men)
3 Rounds
REST 3 Minutes
Kettlebell Swings (35lb W, 55lb M)
Dumbbell thruster (15lb W, 25lb M)
Slamball (12lb W, 15lb M)
3 rounds
0645 Barbell
Warmup PVC
5 reps each
Jump Shrug
Hang Power Clean
Front squat
Push Press
5 rounds
Barbell Complex
Starting load 45lb Women, 65lb Men
Only add 5- 10lbs each round
5 reps each until top weight and then 3 reps each
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
6 rounds
"Dock Work"
21-15-9 style
For time
Hang Clean x 21
Strict Press x 7
Push Press x 7
Push Jerk x 7
Hang Clean x 15
Strict Press x 5
Push Press x 5
Push Jerk x 5
Hang Clean x 9
Strict Press x 3
Push Press x 3
Push Jerk x 3
Pro Women = 85 Clean, 65 Press
Pack Women = 65 Clean, 45 press
Pro Men = 135 Clean, 95 Press
Pack Men = 105 Clean, 75 Press
Mike 6:24 Pro
Lauris 5:24 Pack

Monday, November 19, 2007

Warrior Care

Our Walter Reed guardian executes one last trademark Chin-up at CrossFit Old Town
It's been an honor
We are proud to be a part of your life story...
Good Luck Rick!

"Warrior Care"
Part One
Partner up
You go, partner goes
Max Chins in 6 minutes, goal is 100
Max Pushups in 6 Minutes, goal is 150
Max Situps in 4 minutes, goal is 200
Part Two:
5 rounds for time
40 Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Warmup/Skill work
Clean progression with Medicine Ball
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Med Ball squat clean thrusters

AMRAP in 20 minutes
8 Chins
12 Push Press
16 Kettlebell swing
20 Jumping lunges each leg
Mike 7
Lauris 6.5
Chris 6
Chip 5.75
Rob 5.25
Keturah 4
Kara 4
Robin 3

Static Tuck-Sit Holds
10 sec hold
20 sec rest
8 rounds

Friday, November 16, 2007

"The Ray"

I consider myself lucky to be surrounded with a team of genuine characters here at CrossFit OldTown. I love that we wear who we are on our sleeve, right out in the open for all to see...no hidden agenda, no pretense...genuine.


I'm Pretty sure we set some kind of CrossFit Record for pictures in one workout

Ray, Keturah, and Jack got some killer in action photos


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Going Overhead

Team TT 0600

Pvc Warmup: Snatch and Overhead Squat
AMRAP in 6 min
10 OHS
15 Situp


AMRAP in 6 min
Dumbbell snatch x 4 and 4
Pushup x 8


AMRAP in 10 min
4 Chins
8 DB thruster


Chris x 8r
Kara x 7r
McCall x 7r
Melanie x 6r
Chip x 6r
SS x 6r
T-Battle x 5r
Keturah x 5r
0645 Barbells
Skill Work on the Clean
Max Strict Press x 3
Max Push Press x 3
Pat 115x3, 145x3
Andrea 90x3, 100x3
Chriss 135x3, 155x3
Keturah 65x3
Ray 155x1, 170x1

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

CrossFit Old Town: 400 repeats and a triple mash

Stick Work:
Line of Pull Snatch
A Triple Mashed Up Double Tabata
Overhead Squat x 40sec
rest 20sec
Box Jump x 40sec
rest 20sec
Kettlebell Swings x 40sec
rest 20sec
Repeat for 4 rounds
Score the lowest amount of reps in each individual movement
"Gas Tank"
Run .25 miles for time every 3 minutes x 4 rounds
Score each interval
Track your fastest time

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday at 0600 was non-stop action
4 medium length circuits that kept intensity and effort high
AMRAP in 6 min
TGU x 3,3
Pushup x 9
AMRAP in 10 min
Chins x6
Slamball x15
Mash-up Double Tabata
(40 sec of work 20 sec of rest)
Box Jump x 40 sec
rest 20 sec
Kettlebell Swings x 40 sec
rest 20 sec
4 rounds (8 minutes)
AMRAP in 8 minutes
DB OH Lunge x 5 left
DB Push Press x 10 left
DB OH Lunge x 5 right
DB Push Press x 10 right
0645 Barbell
Heavy TGU x 3,3,2,2,1,1
Hang Power Clean 3x3
Heavy Single in the Deadlift
Sarah and Adrienne pulled 185!
Danny pulled 305!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Veterans Day

We hit our benchmark Workout "Cindy" today
Plenty of Personal records, congrats!
Most improved goes to Noelle who added 4 rounds plus moved to a lighter band!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Marine Corps Birthday

232 years of Excellence
Happy Birthday to my fellow Devil Dogs!

From the halls of MontezumaTo the shores of Tripoli, we fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea. First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean, we are proud to claim the title Of United States Marines.

Our flag's unfurl'd to every breeze from the dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place where we could take a gun. In the snow of far-off northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes, you will find us always on the job The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life and have never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Tug of War!

Skill Work:
Stability on the rings
Tabata Pushup
Tabata OH DB Lunge
Tabata Front squat
Tug of War!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Ray and Rick are 2 original CrossFit Challenge members in their final days...
Ray is heading to Ft. Drum for active duty
Rick back home to Texas and his new venture;
Alamo CrossFit
Both are an integral part of the character, integrity, intensity, camaraderie, and community that is CrossFit Old Town. It has been an honor to have you both a part of our program. We are grateful for your leadership and constant commitment to excellence. Now go forth and spread the insanity!
0600 Mash-up
AMRAP in 8 minutes
5 Chins
5 "pro" pushups
Tabata Squat
AMRAP in 6 minutes
10 Kettlebell High pull
15 Situps
Dumbbell Thruster test
Kettlebell Swing Test
Tabata Push Press
0645 Barbell
Press x 3 rep
Push Press x 3 rep
Push Jerk x 3 rep

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Frantic" Version 2.0

Thanks to Chriss and Ray we have insane action photos from 0645 and 0730
Women 20lb DB Thruster
Men 30lb DB thruster
Scale UP if possible
Interval One:
500 meter Row
15 Thrusters
15 Chinups
Interval two:
500 - 12 -12
Interval three:
500 - 9 - 9
Interval four:
500 - 6 - 6

"Frantic" is an instant classic
The effort and intensity over the last 2 days have been Awesome!
Muscle-up Note:
Elizabeth got through the transition and on top of the rings this morning! She missed the dip portion. In the pictures you can see how strong her false grip is, now it's extra work on ring dips and WATCH OUT!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"Frantic" Version 1

0600 Interval training
Women 20lb Dumbbell thrusters
Men 30lb DB Thrusters
4 Intervals with equal rest
500m Row - 15 Thrust - 15 Chins
400 - 12 - 12
300 - 9 - 9
200 - 6 - 6
0645 Barbell Work
Power Clean x 3 reps
Deadlift x 3 reps

Monday, November 5, 2007

Test Day

We Tested Some Max Efforts Today...
Lot's of Personal Records and some really insane performances...
Congrat's to ALL!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


36 and older
35 and younger
Who's a "young gun" and who's and "old timer"?
I'll never tell...

9 Minutes
TGU x 2 left, 2 right
DB Snatch x 4 left, 4 right
Team game
Score points for your team
pullups, pushups, box jumps, goblet squats, jumping lunge, situps, Kettlebell highpull
10 minute
rest 4 min
10 minute
rest 4 min
6 minute finish
Final score, DEAD TIE!
Awesome effort and some good fun!

Friday, November 2, 2007

More rowing Fun

Embrace your weakness
Extend Range of Motion where possible
9 Minutes
Chin x 5
Push x 10
Squat x 15
Rower x 15 Calories
Slamball x 20
Kettlebell Swings x 25
Dumbbell Push Press x 30
5 rounds
25 minutes
Steven 22:59 50kb; 25db
Rob 25:09
Chriss 4.5r 70kb; 30db; 20lb vest
Pat 4.5r 55kb; 35db
Ray 4.25 70kb; 30db
Rick 4r 30db
Gar 4r 45kb; 20db
Sarah 3.75r 45kb; 20db
Adrienne 3.75r 45kb; 20db
Elizabeth 3.75r 45kb; 20db
Cara 3.25r 45kb; 15db
James 3.35r
AndreaS 3r 35kb; 20db
Danny 45kb; 25db
AndreaT 2.5r
Jud 22:06 5r 70kb; no db PP (Mod)
Katie 5r 24:21 35kb; 20db (Mod)
Noelle 4.75 26kb; 15db (Mod)
Terence E 4.75 (Mod)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

2 more C-2's, we now have 5!

Pat showed us how it's done on the rower!
Kara stepped up to 20lb Dumbbells!

Team Thursday 0600

AMRAP until "Super Sport" gets 8 rounds
(around 9 minutes)
Chins x 5
Push x 10
Squat x 15

1:00 of work at each station
:30 of rest
Track total reps
Row (Calories)
DB push Press
4 rounds

Pat 354 (30# DB)
Magoo 244 (25#DB)
Chriss 211 (40# DB, 20# weight vest)
McCall 204 (15# DB)
Chris 202 (25# DB)
T-Battle 180 (20# DB)
Kara 168 (20# DB)
Kevin 153 (??DB)
Chip 122 (?? DB)

Team Barbell 0645:

Burgener Warmup Snatch

Skill Transfer
Pressing snatch balance
Drop snatch

Working out the Kinks
Scarecrow and drop Snatch
Top Snatch
Jump and Land
Sotts Press

Hang snatch
6 sets x 3 reps

News and Notes:
Danny -"Lightweight"
Gets his first Muscle-up...
Then bangs out 3 straight!

Adrienne comes oh so close to getting through the transition...
Elbows flared early
It looks like this caused her to be slightly under the rings instead of behind them
It's hard to "roll" your shoulders over the rings when you are under them
Any day now...any day

Flicker Slideshow