LogsItAll Rankings

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

“Strength is the ability to produce force, and it is possibly the most important component in athletics…all other things being equal; the stronger athlete will always win.”
- Mark Rippetoe, Sept 2007 CrossFit Journal

We had several Pullup PR's in class today.
James hit a new rep record! Julie, Sarah, and Cara all moved to a lighter band! Meanwhile, it looked like Karen got her kipping groove back! (Anyone notice that Leslie has become a flat-out pullup machine?) Lots of props to give out for those who went heavier today but gotta mention Mike and Vinnie who ponied up with the 40lb DB Thrusters...ouch!

Emphasis today was on points of contact in the push up. The Hips and Chest should be touching the ground at the same time. Lets keep this as a solid pushup standard and watch our strength sky-rocket as a result.
As we know, ring dips can be a humbling experience, so can legit full range of motion pushups.

Mike demo's the Standard:

Flickr Slideshow, more pushups and WOD

1. As many rounds as you can in 6 minutes:
10 Pushups
15 Situps
20 Tuck Jumps

2. WOD:
3-4 rounds for time
25 Heavier Kettlebell Swings
20 High Box Jumps (26" - 20")
15 Heavier Dumbbell thrusters
10 Pullups
5 Ring Dips


Jerry Hill said...

4 rounds:
Ray 21:58
Steven 23:05
Eugene 23:24
Joel 26:00
Rick 27:40
Mike 29:54
Vinnie 31:29

3 rounds:
Kevin 17:57
Leslie 23:00
Vivek 23:24
James 23:24

3 rounds bands:
Karen 21:39 2thin
Sarah 22:28 2thin
Mel 23:04 2thin
Elise 22:24 pink
Jud 24:42 pink
Julie 27:00 pink

2 rounds bands:
Cara 17:24 green, then blue!

Unknown said...

I like the blog! Now I can do your workouts and post them here so I don't feel like I'm getting left behind. Yesterday (thursday) I did this workout...what a killer.

4 rounds: 27:06
I used 35 lbs KB swings and 25 lb DBs (first time for those, it wasn't fun... or maybe it was fun, just not "fun" fun-I was wearing our cross fit tank and got a comment about the quote on the back)

Jerry Hill said...

25lb DB thrusters takes it's Metabolic toll...thanks for posting up Lauris, very motivating!