LogsItAll Rankings

Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb 25

When I upload pictures through blogger they get so compressed and distorted!
The Flickr Pictures are fine, so it has something to do with the compression that blogger uses.

IF anyone has any suggestions or help I'd appreciate it!

Karen pushed through some 55lb strict presses today!
Team 0600 Lobbied hard to keep "Wall Ball Situps" at 18 reps!
Danny turns the rings out at the top and avoids leaning on the straps for support - this is tough to do!

Andrea T. Demo's the "Wallball Situp" Sequence

The Workout and Levels
25 minutes

My point system made entering data difficult - I was able to see everyone who entered data and the levels you hit in todays workout however pulling that data out and making sense of it in a logsitall ranking was futal...

Gotta Keep it Simple next time!

Thanks to those who did enter their rounds; I read your comments and tracked the levels!

1 comment:

Cara said...

I have to say that I really enjoyed this work out!