LogsItAll Rankings

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sledgehammer Slamball - Frogger Box Jump

It 2008 I’m going with 3 classes a day, (0600, 0645, and 0730), 5-days a week.
This gives each and everyone of you the opportunity to hit a class in your normal time slot 5-days a week!
There will be no specialized barbell class, and no membership increase.
One price membership and an all access pass.

But what about the most popular time slot at 0600?
WE will ADD an additional workout at 0600!
We will add some fixed pullup bars (yes FIXED pullup bars, can you believe it?!) in the “Ring Room” and host 2 workouts at 0600, one in each room.
To start, this additional workout will be added on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only.
If this goes as well as expected we will soon do this on all 5 mornings at 0600.

So at 0600 there will be a class coached by Andrea and one coached by me.
Andrea has played a huge role in the development of our new team members and now she is stepping up to make an even greater impact on our team. She has a great eye for movement, communicates well, and has passion for all things CrossFit! I look forward to watching make her own unique stamp here at the Challenge.

From Coach Andrea to Coach Rick where we celebrate our first born CrossFit Affiliate!

Inspired by his progress with us here in Alexandria and with his assignment at Walter Reed over, Rick went back home to San Antonio, Texas and Started his own affiliate; Alamo CrossFit

His opening day workout brought in 13 people...be sure to post a comment on his message board, he'll be psyched to hear from you. He sent this in an email;

"Wanted to add an extra thanks to all I learned from you, CF Challenge, and being on the east coast. I truly believe Jerry that I trained with and learned from the best in the CrossFit business."

Keep in touch senor.

"John Henry Slamball"

"Frogger Box Jump"

1. Cal's
2. Shoulder mobility
3. Unilateral Dumbbell Work
Core and shoulder stabilization
4. Tabata Pushup
5. Workout of the Day:

"John Henry"
8 Chins
10 Frogger Box Jumps
12 Sledgehammer Slamball
AMRAP in 20 Minutes

6. Tabata Situps

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

holy moly! What did I miss?? I should never take vacation again, because look at what I missed. Awesome work guys!