LogsItAll Rankings

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Kipping Pullup

Andrea did a great job teaching the kipping pullup today to a few of our newer team members. She made an even better suggestion: Before the use of bands lets master the swing, this will cut the learning time down. From my experience the toughest thing to teach/embrace with the bands is what I call "getting under the bar" or "a finish line pose" in the below videos Annie explains how important this shoulder position is in the kip...oh it's tough to teach this initially with the band because it gets in the way...you have to push your chest into the band and "kiss it" or move your head to the side, but STILL you must get into this loading phase in order to master the kip.

These videos are a must watch, not only for our newer members but also those wanting to get their chinups to the next level. I'd love to see all of you reach your pullup goal you set for our end of the year test.

Lets continue to discuss the kipping pullup AND any other individual skills you would like to dial in on.

The Videos are from a CrossFit Cert.


Gar said...

These videos are great. I watched them on the main crossfit.com page and I think they have help me improve.

Adrienne said...

It's pretty awesome.. watch all three videos in sequence and then after the final pullup video.. the youtub boxes of related videos pop up.. and Jerry's video post from 12/10/07 pops up.. It's really sweet to see all the guys from the 7am class showing off their perfect pullups! Way to go!

Wes said...

Great videos--I'm really looking forwarding to getting kipping down and getting off the strap! -- Wes