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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Nancy visits CrossFit Oldtown

In Action Photo's

We had an extended warm-up in the Blue Room with chinups, pushups, Overhead squats (ohs), and situps...

Then we took the toys outside and had at a CrossFit Benchmark workout

5 rounds for time
400 meter run
15 OHS (65lb W, 95lb M)

We scaled weight as needed and substituted overhead dumbbell lunge for those still mastering the form on OHS.

Another great workout that we will repeat again soon!


Cara said...

I really enjoyed this work out Jerry - I look forward to hitting it again!

Jerry Hill said...

Good Cara, its in the Hat and could come up again soon!

Katie said...

Sorry I missed Nancy!! :(

Jerry Hill said...

Katie, More fun this weekend...weather looks good for another instant classic.

Colin McNulty said...

Great photos! We did Nancy on Saturday at Crossfit Manchester. I was humbled badly: http://www.colinmcnulty.com/blog/2008/07/06/nancy-kicked-my-butt/ Running has never been my forte but with the OHS it sucks big style.

I had some months off Crossfit and was doing short 1-2 mile runs instead. I've come to the conclusion that running is no substitute for exercise!