LogsItAll Rankings

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Power Outage

I'm on day 2 of no power here at the Hill Headquarters...
Checking in from the Library!

In our morning classes:
Yesterday was our rematch with "Angie" some killer output and progress!
I'll crunch the numbers and comment more about the action once HQ is backed online.

Some random thoughts:
McCall rocked the workout and hit 100 pullups!
A whole lotta folks hit a whole lotta pullups!
Steven set a new class record at 18:42!
Stacey burned through a 18:52!
Many more in the 20 minute range!
Danny set a new class record with 42 pullups!
Jessica hit a 10 rep pullup pr! (wait to you see the picture of her hands)
Terence hit a 19 rep pr!

Team 5p:
Worked some strength with ring dips and L-sits, some skill with overhead squats - Burned through a tough Metabolic Conditioner at the end.

The Big News was; Leo took his gloves off!

I have tons of killer action photos - hope to have them up tomorrow!

Today we hammered the Hang Power clean to a push press.
We tackled it with 2 minutes of work: 2 minutes of rest x 6 rounds.
Some really amazing effort!
Again some great pics - will be good to view to review form!

Cya tomorrow - Hope power is back on then!

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